The School operates educationally and culturally as one unit from Kindergarten to Year 6 with a student centred approach to all teaching and learning activities. An ambience of caring and interest in children and their learning has positively developed and been further enhanced through a community centred environment.
The focus is on developing academic and social skills, aiming for high achievement. By focussing on literacy, numeracy and social values we ensure that the foundations for life long learning are provided for future enrichment. The school is unique for its environmentally friendly atmosphere, supportive and active parent community and programs to cater for individual needs. The culture and climate is evident in the grounds, the facilities, the students' work and the teaching and learning programs. Distance from major centres is not deterring the wide scope of activities offered such as excursions, visiting performers, cultural festivals and life education.
150 years of education
In January 1863 Branxton Public School officially opened for business. The first teacher, Mr W. H. Johnson, was responsible for the education of the local children, initially fifty five boys and forty three girls. The original site of the school is where the Branxton Medical Centre is now situated and the surrounding area. It was originally one classroom with a teacher's residence attached.
School enrolments fluctuated over the years and the old school enjoyed many improvements including new classrooms, new drains, upgraded teacher accommodations and a new well.
In 1955 the Education Department purchased land at the current Branxton Public School site. In 1986 the school moved to the new site. Not only did the students and staff move but some of the buildings made the move as well. The ‘used' buildings from the previous site and from other schools were soon put into good working order.
In the 150 years between 1863 and 2013 the Branxton area has grown and changed. So too has our school. Branxton Public School caters for over 300 students and now consists of 13 classrooms all with Interactive Whiteboards, a well-resourced library with computers, Interactive Whiteboard and Connected Classroom, a creative arts room and much more. We have two covered outdoor learning spaces and a wonderful grassed playground with fixed equipment.