Wheel your bike throught COLA, in front of the toilet block and out the back gate.
Wait near back gate for teacher on duty.
Wheel your bike until you are across the crossing
North Rothbury riders - push your bike on the grassed foopath (right hand side of road) up to the corner. Then use the crossing to access the road in a safe manner.
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Use quiet voices
Catch the correct bus
Line up K-6 order (Kinders may have an older sibling with them)
Sit and wait until teacher on duty asks you to move.
Move your bags in front of picnic table on duty teacher's instruction
Ask to go to toilet/get a drink
Leave your bag in the line if you have permission to leave the area
Stay in COLA
Handball and passive games only
Walk in 1 line all the way to the bus
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Use quiet voices
Catch the correct bus
Line up K-6 order (Kinders may hae an older sibling with them
Sit and wait until teacher on duty asks you to move.
Move our bags to the silver seats on duty teacher's instruction
Ask to go to toilet/get a drink
Leave your bag in the line if you have permission to leave the area
Stay in canteen area
Handball and passive games only
Have your Opal card ready
Walk in 1 line all the way to the bus.
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Use quiet voices
Line up K-6 order (Kinders may have an older sibling with them)
Sit and wait until teacher on duty asks you to move
Have you Opal Card ready
Walk in one line all the way to the bus.
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Use quiet voices
Catch the correct bus
Line up K-6 order (Kinders may have an older sibling with them)
Sit and wait until teacher on duty asks you to move
Have your opal card ready
Walk in one line all the way to the bus
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Use quiet voices
Line up K-6 order Sit and wait until teacher on duty asks you to move
Move to the green seats on duty teacher's instruction.
Leave your bag in the line once you have permission to go to the toilets/bubblers
Walk in one lne all the way to the bus.
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Stay out of the way of bus lines
Use quiet voices
Wait near back gate for teacher on duty
Listen to the teacher on crossing duty
Use the crossing
Are ready to leave
Walk at all times
Stay out of the way of bus lines
Use quiet voices
Meet your parents straight away
Stay with your parent
Stay in bounds
Follow all school expectations
Depart via the walking gate only
Always cross the road in the appropriate & safe place
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